Monday 11 March 2013

Back To The Lab Again!

Image credits goes to the original uploader ~samkool at

Phew! If staying away from webville was an offensive crime, I must be hanged! I have been away since 2 months from College Diaries and believe me I missed this space so much. Work. I am not making lame and cliched excuses, one thing followed the other and it led me to a heavy dose of work together. And now that I have all that almost sorted out (kinda), it becomes mandatory for me to return back to the place where I truly belong.

Life is one hell of a joy ride; and in the last two months I have seen so much ups and downs that I am virtually puking rainbows. Take my word if you will - engage. Engage in anything lest it becomes so late that the only thing you can engage in is 'regret'. I am not a very quick decision maker and every time there is a conflict in situations, I ask from my peers what to do and what not to. Most of the time, their advices go against mine and I follow them mindlessly only to regret it in the end. 'Listen everyone's, do your heart's' they say. So, at the start of this semester, when I took a shitload of work for myself everyone, including my father, advised me to just attend college and do stuff they ask me to do. My gut feeling said that I must go beyond my comfort level and off I went only to find deeper meanings and greater joys of life. It wasn't easy though mind you; there were times I was shitting bricks; literally (uaah!). But 'all's well that ends well' right? I have seen a boy or two throw away their life like that. Please save your life, don't waste it. You become a human after 80,000 turns of life cycles.

Life is a bliss now; cash flow is good and company is taking leaps and I have a new found love for programming. Remember how I always said that I can even learn Chinese but not Java; well guess that is not how it was meant to be. Instead, I find that I am a natural at coding if not gifted. Hoping to create some awesome and kickass stuff in the near future. With the suggestive powers of coding I hear about and my evil creativity, I think the world will not be safe no more. I even suggested Kamasutra app on android as the college project; my team mates refused. They said it was a bit vulgar! Guess it was a little bit out of place.
Denying Shakespeare, I have a second found love too - love for classical rock. Pink Floyd all the way baby! Weed has found newer meanings man.

Lot more to write but guess I moved beyond domain maxima. Geek, ha ha! Gues my writing has improved a bit, whatcha say fellas? Comment in! Lot of dope to come this month stay tuned! My Holi article from last year still remains pending LOL! BTW, I maid a different blog just for my poetry. Here's the link, tell me how it is. Only one poem has been posted though. Have I done the right thing? Fill in!

See you guys later, keep engaging! :)


Unknown said...

note my words aswani,
if not anything, your'e a stone engraved writer!
great grammar(although with hills and shallows, but who cares :P)

Piyush Aswani (Yash) said...

Not sure about stone engraved bro but I can guarantee that quite a few times I am a 'stoned' writer! ;) :P

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