


Frequently Asked Questions :



Who are you?

I am regular guy, pursuing my software engineering studies from Greater Noida, India. Everything else about me is available on my profile!

Wait. Don't they say software guys have issues?

Yes they do have issues, but rest assured this blog is all out of the fuzz.

So is this a blog about your college?

No. It is just that the author of this blog, which is me, happens to be a college student!

So much for the name huh? What is this blog actually about?

This blog is a sort of a journal of my encounters with the small yet alluring events of my journey as a human being...

English please!

This is a collection of anecdotes from my college life.

Why do I read your blog?

There is no specific reason as to why anyone would read this blog, but these are pages from my life served with a platter of happy and sad emotions alike. Besides if you have ever been in a college, you will really find this blog interesting. And in the end you would probably realize, I learned something too!

What else to expect in future?

I plan to add some content on Greater Noida as a city, something which has not been done before and adding couple of podcast and short films really soon.

Not So Frequently Asked Questions : 




Do you believe aliens exist?


I most certainly do! Leave alone believing, I think I am closely related to them!

Can you drink vodka shots while in a head-stand position?


I haven't tried it yet. But I sure will, this time around I bring in a Smirnoff! 


Have you ever seen a female with a lot of facial hair?

Believe me I have seen a helluva lot of them! In fact you cannot beat this city when it comes to spotting them. Come meet me if you want to see them too!

Do you scratch your groin in public?


I am not answering that question! There are limits to someone's privacy dude.

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