Wednesday 19 December 2012

मैं नहीं था (I Wasn't There)

Do read the poem at the end of the article, that is the main part. Skip to the main part if you prefer!

It is very disgraceful to call ourselves humans any more! Humans don't commit such heinous crimes. The Monday night rape incident in Delhi has shook the country all together. There is a burning rage inside me and all I can do is type this bloody keyboard of mine. Well if this is the only way out, so be it. Let my frustration roll. 

I am much more angry on ourselves, the public, rather than on the people who raped that poor girl. Reason behind this is that if we would not have neglected all the rape cases that have been happening all around the country so far, this stage might have never come. But now, the bar has gone way beyond it's limits. Raise voices. Leave your comfort zone. Do what you can; at least think of a bad-ass death you can give to the accused, and post it on the internet. 

All evening, I have been reading comments of people all across the internet. Some of them have suggested such brutal punishments that it made me think who of the two are bigger sadists? We or the rape accused? Personally, what I think is, they must not be hanged; that punishment will be too much easy on them. They must be kept on an exile cutting off all the sources of social contact and entertainment a man can get. Whatever, my opinion won't matter.

I couldn't take the frustration anymore, I have to do a little something call studies too; exams are going on. So, I wrote a poem for that unseen, unsung sister of mine that lie on the hospital bed fighting with death. May god bring her to justice, and to peace.

मैं नहीं था -

जब तेरे मर्म बदन पर
चोटे पड़ी संगीन, अधर
माफ़ करना बहन , मैं नहीं था |

जब तेरी प्यारी सूरत पर
गिद्ध कर गए वार, असर
माफ़ करना बहन, मैं नहीं था |

जब तेरी चुनर पर
दाग लगे अटल, अचर
माफ़ करना बहन मैं नहीं था |

जब तेरी काजल सी सुरमई आँखों पर
आंसू छलके, चीखें हुईं अकर्ण
माफ़ करना बहन, मैं नहीं था |

जब तेरी लज्जा दी क़तर
जब शर्म से झुक पड़ा तेरा सर
माफ़ करना बहन, मैं नहीं था |

पर तू रोना नहीं, डरना भी मत
सब बदल जायेगा वादा है मेरा |
सूरज फिर निकलेगा, चाँद फिर दिखेगा
दर्द पिघल जायेगा वादा है मेरा ||

और जो इक्के दुक्के बार, याद आ भी गई वो रात
तो तुझे भर के सीने में सुला दूंगा मैं |
गिन लेंगे तारे, गुनगुना लेंगे गीत
तुझे लोरी सुना के सब भुला दूंगा मैं  ||

नींद मुझे नहीं आयेगी पर
सिर्फ इस बात का है डर
एक ही बात सताती है, करती है असर
माफ़ करना बहन, मैं नहीं था |


Prasoon Gupta said...

A tearful and touching story (y).
Keep up.

Unknown said...

gr8 and touchy.
Keep it up.

Unknown said...

touching hurt lines awsm

nitin said...


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