Saturday 4 August 2012

Dost (Friend)

"A Friend may well be reckoned the masterpiece of Nature."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803 - 1882) US poet & essayist.

Out of many questions that pester around my conscious, one question that stands out the most is - 'Does the end justifies the means?' The result may well reserve a place in the gray area, but today I beg to differ. My answer today will be a Yes. Looking behind at the past two years of my life and seeing the way I have shaped up (figuratively), I may roll the name of my fast friends in the credits. No man is perfect and never will become one, but the journey towards perfection gets a hasty pace while friends are around. They have cursed and beaten me and scolded me though also supplying me with a heavy load of love. All that just to make me a person that I am today. And by the looks of it, I think I am getting better by the day.

Let me just pass the general obligations of 'why friendship day is celebrated' and stuff. Now that I own a personal space in the Webville, this blog, I am publically showing my affection towards my friends. I am a man in my early twenties and at this age precisely, men are not very good at expressing compassion. But it does not means that my love is absent. I am still very fond of giving pecks on my mother's cheek and diddling around my father to let him buy me a new gadget (earlier I did that for toys). I am still very protective about my sisters and cousins though it is very rare that I call them up and talk it out. Same thing goes for my friends. I may not get much time (though I am absurdly clueless why because I do absolutely nothing), but that does not means that I won't take out some if they call for it.

This article goes out to all the people I have ever met and had a bond of friendship with. If I made a mistake, I am all apologies (Nirvana style). If you ever hurt me, well I am still searching. Kidding. Yes, drinking together and passing out and checking out girls is one part of a friendship, but on the deeper side, friends are nothing less than an alternate family. Specially for me and all the people who are and have been studying away from their home. 

Love you all ♥ :) Until next time,


P.S. - Guys form my flat, if you are reading, where the hell are my brand new pair of socks? :|


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Blogging is the new poetry. I find it wonderful and amazing in many ways.

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Hey keep posting such good and meaningful articles.

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