Monday 5 September 2011

Baarish! (Rains)

I don't know what is it about rains that makes a human heart feel so ecstatic! Is it the breeze that accompanies the rain drops or the smell of the mud that follows? Well for me, apart from everything else, it is the sound of falling and flowing water that makes the bloody difference. It feels like the flowing water has the language of its own that only few blessed mortals can decipher. Mortals that Love!Yes, Rains and Love are distant relatives. 
And who else than Bollywood shows it best? The shying heroine, the ever so brave hero that embraces her every time clouds thunder with a heavy sound and the romantic ambiance. Beautiful isn't it?

Rains here in Greater Noida are quite frequent, thanks to all the 'Greenery' around! Even on the first day that I came here, it rained. During the first year rains here felt stranger to me. But now, during the second year, they are all over me. May be I have become very close to them. And why not? They have seen me in every possible shade of emotion I have felt. Every time I was sad, they soothed me with their touch. Every time I cried, they made me feel I was not alone, God too is crying with me. Every time I was overjoyed, I had clouds clapping for me.The list, I think, is endless.

Rains in India are nothing less than a celebration and everyone has his own way of celebrating it. Be it our very own classical chai pakora combination, or a peg or two of whisky combined with old Hindi songs, Rains never seem to disappoint. People complain about muddy roads and the filth rain brings, but nobody cares to see the positive side of it(perhaps we all have settled in too much of negativity in there!). I do! If I have to celebrate a rainy day, I call it a day off, bring in a good old Friend and grab some Samosas with Coke. Then we talk philosophy while fagging(you know how men are, don't you?) and then follows our very own rain dance cum bath, as we rarely do take bath(I am not completely serious mind you!). You know, the shitty rain dances we do in parties are nothing when it comes to dancing in a natural rain on a completely random 'undancable' song. Latter is a lot more better than the former one. You can at least be yourself and never think about who is watching your 'flying kite' step. Hell Yeah! It can't get better. How do you celebrate rains? Write in your comments and I might get something new to do. And yeah, If you haven't tried mine version, you must try it hands down and as soon as possible. 

But today, on 5th Sept. 2011, I am celebrating Rain in a completely different manner. After a long day of work(that included a lot of sleeping and eating and playing cards) that I did yesterday, that was Sunday, I felt exhausted and thus took a bath in the night. Then finished off a movie and just when I was about to sleep, electricity was cut(India I tell you!). Chickenshit! I went out to grab some fresh air(time - 2:00 a.m.) and guess what? It was raining. Hell Yeah! What timing God! You know, If the man sitting on God's place must be given some other job, it would hands down be that of a Special-Effect Guy! I mean how does he knows human emotions so easily? Have you ever felt that it rained the night you fell asleep sad or a cool breeze just starts blowing when you need some calm or the day turns out to be its sunny and shiny best when you needed some inspiration. Quite a good job there God! So yeah(where were we?), it started raining and within ten minutes I started feeling so good that I forgot I was exhausted. I grabbed my camera, did some clicks and the electricity was back. But. I was in no mood to sleep, Rain my muse was still on and I wanted to celebrate it. And thus I found my self sitting in front of my computer writing this for you guys because I wanted to share how sometimes in life little things like these bring such a joy that no big thing can bring. Such is life at its best, uncertain.

Rains aren't my favourite season but they are as necessary to me as winters(my favourite season). Thus I would like to conclude by saying -

ऐ बादल तू जाता कहा को है, ज़रा चल तू ठहर के

एक संदेसा  लेता जा मेरे महबूब के लिए

और कुछ ऐसा बरस मेरे यार के बाघ पे,

के उसके बाघों के फूल खिले और मेहकें

और मेहकें ऐसा की मेरा महबूब भी तडपे मेरी याद में

की बातें कई उससे कहनी हैं, तेरी बूंदों की जुबां से

और तोहफे में देनी है मिटटी की खुशबु

पर तू देना उससे राहत ज़रा रिम-झिम बरस के

क्युकी यार मेरा, अकेला है, तनहा है ||


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