Saturday 11 May 2013

माँ Mother

Mother kissing her baby
Image by -


I know, I know I haven't written in days even after promising to bring a lot of content in march and heck it's April now but you know I am a busy man don't you? Then there's exams - yours, mine. Chaos! Forgive, forget and read on!

If I have to give one word for this blog it will surely be - development. I started it as my diary entry blog, then I gave it the direction of a blog of a college goer of Greater Noida, and I finally ended up doing my philosophical rant over this space. Guess I like it this way! ;)

And out of all these developments, one development is my personal favorite - my mum has started reading my blog entries though I have clearly directed my sister (mum's official guide to college diaries) that she only lets mum read the censored versions! Now, this development has made me capable enough of one thing - I can wish her out loud, whole heartily and properly this mother day. Though it is very clear that I don't care about a damn day to express love towards my mom; Mother's Day is a very precious occasion, at least for me, and as the occasion calls for it -  I am going with the flow! :)

See I am in my early twenties and guys in this age cannot express their love easily, especially to their moms. Writing is my established forte; and since I am staying away from home I don't have to face her while she reads this. Damn, I would have become red like a tomato if I were front of her while she reads this! Even more if I had to say this to her directly.

No writer can ever write a completely explicit description of mother; no writer ever did no writer ever will. Period. We just try, because we can. And try we do! :D

This one's for you mom, hope you like it -

मेरी गर्दन, नरम तकिया
माँ तेरे हाथ हैं

चूहों की दौड़, इकतरफा हौसला
माँ तेरा साथ है

ज़माने से झगडा, एक बुनियाद का कन्धा
तुझसे मोबाइल पे बात है

हॉस्टल की पहली रात, मेरे आसूं
माँ तेरी याद है

मेरी सिसक, धूपिया गर्माहट
माँ तेरी छाती है

चीज़ खोती है, उसका पता
माँ याद तू ही दिलाती है

मेरा तेज़ बुखार, असरदार दावा
माँ तेरी दुआ है

मेरा जन्म, खुदा से साझीदारी
माँ जनम तुझसे ही हुआ है

दुनिया भर का हल्ला, ज़रा सा आराम
माँ तेरी वाणी है

मेरे अन्दर का शैतान, पर एक फ़रिश्ता भी
माँ तेरी कहानी हैं

मेरी कविता, तेरा व्याख्यान है
मेरा संगीत, तेरी जुबान है
मेरी महक, तेरी खुशबु है
मेरे ज़हन में हर वक़्त, तू ही तू है
मेरी ज़िन्दगी, तेरा क़र्ज़ है
मेरी बिमारी, तेरा ही तो मर्ज़ है
मेरी चर्बी, तेरी रोटी है
संवेग नहीं, बस ये कविता छोटी है

कागज़ सारे, सारी स्याही ख़त्म हो जाएगी
सिर्फ एक कविता से कहाँ बात पूरी हो पायेगी
पर इतना कौन लिखने देगा, इतना कौन पढ़ेगा
वक्त अपना सबको अजीज़ है
दुनियादारी के अबोवेश में मैं भी मै भी तंग हूँ माँ
ये मेरी मज़बूरी नहीं, ये तुझसे विरासत में मिली तमीज है

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