Thursday, 15 August 2013

आज़ादी (Freedom)

"Dushman Ki Goliyon Ka Saamna Hum Karenge, Azad Hi Rahe Hai, Azad Hi Rahenge"

-Chandra Shekhar Azad

'Is the Independence day just another holiday for you?' some woman on the television asked. This was 3 years back and I was yet to join my college.

I was a little taken aback by the question and on reflecting back a little bit I did realized that yes, Independence day for many was yet another holiday. We do things like raising a flag and all, but all that is just the formal ritual which almost everyone across this country does. Raising a flag in itself is not less in anyways mind you, but is that enough? Then the other times I just shrug and say "I am in college, what can I supposedly do?" Never did I knew that the answer was waiting for me.

Three  years down the line, a lot happened. College happened, crushes happened, fights happened and friendships happened. And amidst all that chaos, College Diary happened. Because College Diary happened, I hold a moral obligation to give respect to my country and share patriotism with my readers with this medium I subdue. Not a lot has changed when it comes to celebrating Independence day, but still a lot has changed. The younger me would have got up early, bought small flags to cover almost every corner of his belongings, brought in kites to fill the sky with the three most beautiful colors of this world and watched a lot of patriotic films on television; not to forget attending the school function where we got free laddoos. The present me would have pretty much done the same (please excuse the getting up early part), though every thing electronically. Yes, this is the electronic era, and we have to make place for its existence. But this very time, I try to differ. I posted nothing on Facebook, that will easily be lost in the large wave of updates coming every now and then. Instead, I wrote this article. This article (as I hope) will remain at least for the coming 10 years. That much time is enough to spread my voice. *honest wink*

But coming back to my original topic: Freedom. Freedom; One subject that has pestered in the gardens of my thoughts all my life, since I gained conscious if I am not wrong. When I was 4 or 5, I brought in a parrot from the Saturday market one day and hung its cage in the veranda. It was this parrot that changed the way I see the world today; forever. Read the poem in the end to know more. No one in my family knows the importance of the events that lasted almost 15 days long, maybe because I chose not to show them how I felt.
 Moving away from home to study brings in a complex bunch of feelings all together - you are free and excited yet you feel low when you realize something back home is pulling you back. As Khalil Gibran , great poet and philosopher, would say:
My house says to me, 'do not leave me, for here dwells your past.' And the road says to me, 'Come and follow me, for I am your future.' And I say to both my house and the road, 'I have no past, nor have I a future. If I stay here, there is a going in my staying and if I go there is a staying in my going. Only love and death change all things.'
It wasn't long ago that the concept of freedom and independence day dawned on me. As I reached a responsible age, I started seeing the inevitable pressures, duties and obligations 
that parents, society and peers expect from a being. I don't deny them neither would I run away from them at the first possible chance but wouldn't it be great if it wasn't so much complicated. 
Thus I realized how painful it must have been for our forefathers to bear the blot of being a servant country; a third world.Hence we fought and ensured our freedom. What has changed now is that we people don't actually know what being enslaved or achieving ultimate freedom is. If we had known, maybe we must have respected this auspicious day a little better. Nonetheless, ours is a very patriotic country and I am proud of it.

Though concepts of freedom vary person to person, it is the journey and the anxiety that builds up over the result that intrigues me greatly. I would have explained a bit about my concept of freedom but that must have taken well over a few thousand words ; a book or so. Guess we would have to wait for that to from up. I am sorry if the article seems bizarre, I have just thrown in random stuff; maybe because it is difficult to write about a subject when you either know nothing about it or know about it too well. You decide well and understand my dilemma!
Now follows a short poem as promised at the beginning of the article. It is a story of a parrot I brought on one saturday when I was 4 or 5 years of age.

एक शनिवार अचानक
एक गहरे हरे रंग का पंछी दिख गया बाज़ार में
लाल चोंच, कर्कश आवाज़, सर पे मुकुट सा सजा एकल पंख
'इस पंछी को क्या बोलते हैं भैया?' मैंने पूछ लिया
यह तोता है, जो बोलोगे बोलता है
शिकारी ने कविता में जवाब दिया

१० रूपए में, पिंजरे के साथ, खरीद लाया
हरे रंग का नया जानवर
जो आज तक कभी न देखा था न सुना था
और लटका दिया बरामदे में, अच्छे से सजाकर

कहाँ जानता था की १० रूपए में बस शरीर ले आया हूँ उसका
आजादी इतने सस्ते में, कभी न बिकती थी

फिर कई दिन बीत गए
उदासी उतरती ही नहीं उसके चेहरे से
ऐसे चिपक गई जैसे तंज़ चिपकी रहती है आकाओं की जुबां पर

मिर्ची खिला दी, चने फ़ेंक दिए, गर्दन दबा ली
कुछ असर न पड़ा
बस खुली छत की तरफ देखता रहता
और टाये टाये कर के पुकारता रहता जाने किसको

फिर एक दिन जब मैं स्कूल से वापस आया
देखा पिंजरा खली था, माँ ने दरवाज़ा शायद खुला छोड़ दिया
पर मालूम पड़ा माँ ने जानबूझ कर
रिहा कर दिया था उस हरे अजूबे को

मैं बोहोत रोया, चीखा चिल्लाया
कई दिनों तक माँ से बात भी नहीं करी

तब एक रोज़ एक और परिंदा ले आई माँ
और फिर उसे भी कुछ दिन बाद उड़ा दिया
करती रही ऐसा वो काफी समय तक

फिर एक दिन, मुझे भेज दिया
दूर दराज़ के एक महलनुमा स्कूल में पढ़ने
तब समझ में आया, परिंदा रोता क्यूँ था
टाये टाये क्यूँ करता था
सब तो था - मेहेल्नुमा पिंजरा, खाना, ख़याल करने वाले लोग
पर एक चीज़ नहीं थी, वो एक चीज़
जिसे आजादी कहते हैं

Saturday, 11 May 2013

माँ Mother

Mother kissing her baby
Image by -


I know, I know I haven't written in days even after promising to bring a lot of content in march and heck it's April now but you know I am a busy man don't you? Then there's exams - yours, mine. Chaos! Forgive, forget and read on!

If I have to give one word for this blog it will surely be - development. I started it as my diary entry blog, then I gave it the direction of a blog of a college goer of Greater Noida, and I finally ended up doing my philosophical rant over this space. Guess I like it this way! ;)

And out of all these developments, one development is my personal favorite - my mum has started reading my blog entries though I have clearly directed my sister (mum's official guide to college diaries) that she only lets mum read the censored versions! Now, this development has made me capable enough of one thing - I can wish her out loud, whole heartily and properly this mother day. Though it is very clear that I don't care about a damn day to express love towards my mom; Mother's Day is a very precious occasion, at least for me, and as the occasion calls for it -  I am going with the flow! :)

See I am in my early twenties and guys in this age cannot express their love easily, especially to their moms. Writing is my established forte; and since I am staying away from home I don't have to face her while she reads this. Damn, I would have become red like a tomato if I were front of her while she reads this! Even more if I had to say this to her directly.

No writer can ever write a completely explicit description of mother; no writer ever did no writer ever will. Period. We just try, because we can. And try we do! :D

This one's for you mom, hope you like it -

मेरी गर्दन, नरम तकिया
माँ तेरे हाथ हैं

चूहों की दौड़, इकतरफा हौसला
माँ तेरा साथ है

ज़माने से झगडा, एक बुनियाद का कन्धा
तुझसे मोबाइल पे बात है

हॉस्टल की पहली रात, मेरे आसूं
माँ तेरी याद है

मेरी सिसक, धूपिया गर्माहट
माँ तेरी छाती है

चीज़ खोती है, उसका पता
माँ याद तू ही दिलाती है

मेरा तेज़ बुखार, असरदार दावा
माँ तेरी दुआ है

मेरा जन्म, खुदा से साझीदारी
माँ जनम तुझसे ही हुआ है

दुनिया भर का हल्ला, ज़रा सा आराम
माँ तेरी वाणी है

मेरे अन्दर का शैतान, पर एक फ़रिश्ता भी
माँ तेरी कहानी हैं

मेरी कविता, तेरा व्याख्यान है
मेरा संगीत, तेरी जुबान है
मेरी महक, तेरी खुशबु है
मेरे ज़हन में हर वक़्त, तू ही तू है
मेरी ज़िन्दगी, तेरा क़र्ज़ है
मेरी बिमारी, तेरा ही तो मर्ज़ है
मेरी चर्बी, तेरी रोटी है
संवेग नहीं, बस ये कविता छोटी है

कागज़ सारे, सारी स्याही ख़त्म हो जाएगी
सिर्फ एक कविता से कहाँ बात पूरी हो पायेगी
पर इतना कौन लिखने देगा, इतना कौन पढ़ेगा
वक्त अपना सबको अजीज़ है
दुनियादारी के अबोवेश में मैं भी मै भी तंग हूँ माँ
ये मेरी मज़बूरी नहीं, ये तुझसे विरासत में मिली तमीज है

Thursday, 11 April 2013

(My) First Flight

Image Credits goes to the original owner @ Deviantart


My near ones would know this was coming; specially my sister. She insisted quite a few times that I write about the 'so-called' wonderful experience of my first ever air trip! I finally took time out to write about the first time I traveled in an airplane! ;) It was bizarre, flabbergasting, awesome. Unexpected.

I am not very afraid of heights particularly, specially when I know that nothing will happen. I have done paragliding successfully and while I launched with my pilot he said that he has not seen a glider like me who not even shouts when the glide was launching! 'Shout shout' he repeatedly said in funny German accent! The same happened with the airplane; one can easily spot first timers and all the first timers were weirdly enthusiastic and doing things not worth mentioning. I, dear reader, on the other hand, was as comfortable as a crocodile in a winter sunshine. There was just this one mistake I did out of arrogance - I was repeatedly warned to pluck my ear with cotton while the plane launches which I refused to follow. It was a very bad experience; I couldn't hear properly for days. Learn from my mistakes.

Once I took off; I was beyond amazed. Everything looked so tiny and puny; I almost fell like a Demi-God! The image above explains a lot!

Amongst the reigns of clouds I fled
Amongst the fields green and yellow
The mighty bird with its wings led
Me, to dreams of marsh and mellows

But then dreams, weather ugly or beautiful, end too soon. Once we reached Delhi, we were informed that climate in Delhi was bad and we were to divert to Jaipur for the time being. On the way we felt little turbulence and it was scarey. I was mighty pissed due to delay. Off we went to Jaipur.

Once we landed on the land of kings, the attendant started distributing sandwiches. I put my hand forward to receive one when I was duly informed that it was meant only for ladies and kids. Embarrassment. After half an hour, we left again for Delhi but I had no idea what I was up for.

Now, take it as a wise guy's advice - before you die, do tend to take an evening flight to some place. It is unbelievably beautiful. Even Shakespeare might fall short of words; that beautiful. It almost seemed like there were two skies I was sandwiched between - one above and one below. The one below was much more beautiful I must say. If only they would let me take picture from my mobile phone. Once again the flight started shaking, receiving turbulence in between and this time they were scarier. I started raining and we were caught in the middle of it. At that point of time my memory traced me back to the point while I was getting my boarding pass...

"Do you want a window seat or the side one?" the desk officer asked. I immediately and proudly said - "Window". Who knew I would be caught in a weather so bad. I can clearly see thunders striking ground and otherwise every once in a while. And every time it thundered, I skipped a bit. Lights were shut off and every damn passenger, except one, was quite as a grave; hoping to survive the turbulence. Fear does makes you quite eh? The only passenger who wasn't quite was a 2 year old baby boy; and he was crying like hell. It made matters worse.

We were flying above black clouds and every time they thundered, they would illuminate. Now as much beauty as they beheld, I was just hoping to see it on YouTube rather than live on the cost of my life. Little did I know that airplanes have an inbuilt mechanism to tackle thunders. I just sat there quietly, thinking if I would be able to keep my feet in ground again or not. A 'regular' might have known that these things are normal and no one dies out of it, but a first timer is after all a first timer. Too bad for the first experience. The worst thing is they don't let you keep you cell phone on so that you can at least inform your parents to collect your debts from your friends in case you die!

As soon as I landed, I left out a sigh and ran towards the feeder bus. I loved the IGI Airport; it was beyond beautiful. Rest of it is pretty mundane and boring. Hope you liked reading. Share and show love. Comment in about your first experience and give your inputs. I would love to hear them.

Until next time,

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Happy Holi!

Image credits goes to the original uploader @Deviantart ~ehabm

It is sometimes funny to see life complete one of its many circles. Like this other day I was being challenged by my 10 years old nephew who said will color me deep and dark before I can even reach his milky white cheeks. I also have been given an ultimatum - I am not supposed to reach our in-house play ground (where we celebrate holi) before 10. Now, he and many of you guys don't know I am a fucking veteran when the matter is of playing holi. Dirty holi! On first look I may look naive and gullible; but looks can be very deceptive mind you! That little guy is going to have a bad time tomorrow! ;)

I love colors which will be evident the moment you meet me. Needless to mention I love celebrating holi. I have seen all shades of holi - on one side hundreds of people playing holi in an open ground ready to use color, polish, paint, tea, coffee, cow dung and anything plausibly imaginable by a human brain and on other side me alone with a college novel, hogging biriyani and watching television on a holi day. You know what I learned? I learned that life may dessert you at times but that doesn't disqualify you for having celebrations. I learned that one needs the company of friends but one may be able survive even when they are not around. And most importantly, one must never, even in worst of situations, lose hopes for celebrations or bend ways of it.

आया था एक तन्हाई का लम्हा हमें गुमनाम करने;
आज हमारे अंदाज़ की मिसालें देता फिरता है|

I may sound old and rusty and cliched but it is true - Holi is not celebrated the way it used to earlier. No filth, no love, no naughtiness; just hypocrisies. People, instead of playing holi, take the responsibility of being and activist on the internet and post photos and messages that say ' do not waste water'. Where did your heart went when you took a bath with 10 buckets of hot water just because you were feeling cold? These activists are no one but some holi hating piece of junk who now have a better reason to avoid holi. It is a hearty request -  if you do not want to play holi, don't. Please do not decrease the morale of the people who actually wish to celebrate holi!

All being said, I wish you and your family a happy and joyous holi. May Lord Vishnu garner your lives with lots and lots of colors. I will meet you guys soon in another one of my blog posts. Holi Haiiii! :)

Until next time,

Monday, 11 March 2013

Back To The Lab Again!

Image credits goes to the original uploader ~samkool at

Phew! If staying away from webville was an offensive crime, I must be hanged! I have been away since 2 months from College Diaries and believe me I missed this space so much. Work. I am not making lame and cliched excuses, one thing followed the other and it led me to a heavy dose of work together. And now that I have all that almost sorted out (kinda), it becomes mandatory for me to return back to the place where I truly belong.

Life is one hell of a joy ride; and in the last two months I have seen so much ups and downs that I am virtually puking rainbows. Take my word if you will - engage. Engage in anything lest it becomes so late that the only thing you can engage in is 'regret'. I am not a very quick decision maker and every time there is a conflict in situations, I ask from my peers what to do and what not to. Most of the time, their advices go against mine and I follow them mindlessly only to regret it in the end. 'Listen everyone's, do your heart's' they say. So, at the start of this semester, when I took a shitload of work for myself everyone, including my father, advised me to just attend college and do stuff they ask me to do. My gut feeling said that I must go beyond my comfort level and off I went only to find deeper meanings and greater joys of life. It wasn't easy though mind you; there were times I was shitting bricks; literally (uaah!). But 'all's well that ends well' right? I have seen a boy or two throw away their life like that. Please save your life, don't waste it. You become a human after 80,000 turns of life cycles.

Life is a bliss now; cash flow is good and company is taking leaps and I have a new found love for programming. Remember how I always said that I can even learn Chinese but not Java; well guess that is not how it was meant to be. Instead, I find that I am a natural at coding if not gifted. Hoping to create some awesome and kickass stuff in the near future. With the suggestive powers of coding I hear about and my evil creativity, I think the world will not be safe no more. I even suggested Kamasutra app on android as the college project; my team mates refused. They said it was a bit vulgar! Guess it was a little bit out of place.
Denying Shakespeare, I have a second found love too - love for classical rock. Pink Floyd all the way baby! Weed has found newer meanings man.

Lot more to write but guess I moved beyond domain maxima. Geek, ha ha! Gues my writing has improved a bit, whatcha say fellas? Comment in! Lot of dope to come this month stay tuned! My Holi article from last year still remains pending LOL! BTW, I maid a different blog just for my poetry. Here's the link, tell me how it is. Only one poem has been posted though. Have I done the right thing? Fill in!

See you guys later, keep engaging! :)

Saturday, 19 January 2013

Happy New Year

Time flies; and it flies fast indeed. Things change pretty fast and Oh Boy! in what ways. Piyush Aswani, who once was a chubby little innocent kid, has transformed into a smart grown up; at least I try to think so. Another year, a lot has changed and a lot still remains stagnant; me being lazy hasn’t changed for sure. Sorry for being extremely late for this article. Exams and then the New Years’ Night Party and then the after parties and the after after-parties instigated a chain of sleepless nights and dizzy days to my schedule and I brought that schedule to my home too. Unless I rise up in the morning, grab a strong cup of tea and listen to some inspirational songs; writing is a far-cry for me. Literary habits such as writing are very powerful and something so powerful always comes with a condition; I have told you mine. But in the end; I still think me being lazy is the reason for getting so late in writing this article! *wink*
What’s funny in people is; as the New Year approaches people make plans to make the last night of the year unforgettable only to find themselves sloshed by the overdose of alcohol or loneliness the next afternoon; remembering nothing of the gone night. Humans!

I personally do not believe in making lists but that’s what you guys love right? lists of the cream events of the year that passed. For a guy with a positive outlook, I always tend to look at the brighter side. Apart from the usual fun etc. going on in life, two big things happened in my life – 1. I started my own company which is, hold your breath, in profit and 2. I found my long lost love for poetry back, and I am so excited to start a new blog in a few days; apart from that, nothing new on board. A few material things here and there but material things only excite me, nothing more than that.
Life is a roller coaster ride and every New Year is a new loop. Some are shit scared, some cry and puke etc. and some just sit quite but, there are a few who laugh and shout all along. Who are you going to be? 

Wishing a very Happy New Year to you and your family.

मैं तो राही हूँ रास्ते का, रास्ते ही मेरी पहचान हैं
कोने छानू दुनिया के, मेरा धरम है ईमान है
अकेला तू क्यूँ चलता है? क्या किसी बात से परेशान है?
चल साथ होल मेरे, अभी तो बाकी रौशनी के निशान  हैं
डरता क्यूँ है? कतराता है क्यूँ? सामने खड़ा राही भी तो इंसान है
पर सूरत से कुछ और ही बताता है, शायद ज़हन में अभिमान है
दुनिया कम देखि है शायद, अभी अक़ल से नादान है
तू कौन है मैं कौन, सब चार दिन के ही तो मेहमान हैं
यही तो जीवन का प्रमाण है, यही तो विधि का विधान है !

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